Tabungan BNI Taplus Mahasiswa

The advantages of saving in Bank BNI - Tabungan BNI Taplus Mahasiswa. BNI TAPMA is a savings that is given to the students of Higher Education in collaboration with BNI that serves to accommodate the purposes of payment of tuition and or other.


1. Students will get a Student Card which can serve as an identity card which can be used for a variety of daily activities within the university such as: Attendance, Door Access, etc...

2. With the facilities provided to the Student Card will make students' sense of belonging / pride "to the university / college.

3. Improve Image, because the card can be used for various needs and can transact in thousands of BNI ATM network, ATM and links and facilities along with Internet Banking BNI, BNI BNI Phone Banking and SMS banking.


1. Student savings given to students of a University / College who entered into collaboration with BNI that has been placed on the Cooperation Agreement. between BNI with the University / Higher Education is.

2. Do the first deposit for opening an account in the amount corresponding to the Cooperation Agreement.

3. Subsequent deposit of at least Rp 5,000.

4. Maintain a minimum balance equal to that specified in the Cooperation Agreement.

5. University / Higher Education to conduct joint ownership of BNI Tapma accordance with the terms & conditions in force at the BNI.

Thus concise information on savings deposits BNI Taplus Students, hopefully article about the product of savings deposits BNI Taplus This student you can make a solution to your financial management.

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