Tabungan BNI Haji

The advantages of saving in Bank BNI -  Tabungan BNI Haji. Inspiration Pilgrimage realizes your intentions.


  • Lighten the preparation of funds to accomplish Haji.
  • Need help planning funds Haji through auto debit facility (fixed deposit system) with a period and the amount of deposit from the account of an affiliate flexible Taplus BNI, BNI Business Taplus, BNI Giro Individual Rupiah.
  • Ease of depositing funds into the account through the entire Hajj BNI BNI branch office, ATM facilities BNI, BNI BNI SMS Banking and Internet Banking.
  • Siskohat connected online with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, so as to obtain the certainty of the number portion of Haji departure once the fund reaches a certain amount (currently Rp25 million or at the discretion of the Ministry of Religion that apply)
  • Free accident insurance premiums.
  • Get free opening and closing accounts.
  • Free account management fees.
  • Getting a souvenir (in kind) at the time of repayment BPIH (Haji Operation Cost).


  • BNI account opening Hajj performed in all appropriate domicile BNI branch customers in a province the same.
  • Attach a copy of ID card / valid identity by showing original.
  • Rp500.000 minimum initial deposit.
  • Minimum further deposit Rp5.000.

Simulation of Fixed Deposit BNI Hajj through autodebet.

  • Assumptions Initial Deposit Account Opening Rp . 500.000 , -
  • Assumptions Value of the deposit to get the numbers portion of Rp . 25,000,000 , -

If the Customer would get no portion , then the fixed deposit per month saved customers as follows :   Obtaining Portion No. ( First year) Per Month Fixed Deposit (Rp . )

  • 1 = 2.100.000 , -
  • 2 = 1.050.000 , -
  • 3 = 700.000 , -
  • 4 = 525.000 , -
  • 5 = 420.000 , -
  • 6 = 350.000 , -
  • 7 = 300.000 , -
  • 8 = 265.000 , -
  • 9 = 235.000 , -
  • 10 = 210.000 , -

Thus concise information on savings deposits BNI Haji, hopefully article about the product of savings deposits BNI Haji you can make a Inspiration Pilgrimage realizes your intentions.

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