Tabungan BNI Dollar

The advantages of saving in Bank BNI -  Tabungan BNI Dollar. Can you imagine if your dollar savings growing faster than you think? If you want to make it happen, take advantage of BNI dollar, dollar-denominated deposits with the exchange rate is more stable and safe from the risk of falling value of rupiah as well as provide convenience in transaction.

  • Attractive interest rate and calculated on the basis of daily balances so it is more profitable.
  • Monthly administrative fee is very mild for the benefits you get.
  • Cash deposit in denominations of $ 100 for a total maximum deposit of USD50, 000 per day free of cost (1:1).
  • BNI funds as collateral for dollar you can earn credits Instant BNI.

  • Accounts can be opened on behalf of individuals and companies.
  • For individual customers gets the book BNI dollar making it easier to monitor mutation and development of deposits at any time. For corporate customers, transactions in the form of checking account statements sent each month.
  • On line in all branches of BNI foreign exchange (dollar special account individual BNI).
  • Deposits can be made ?? in cash, transfer funds, as well as incoming transfers in the form of traveler's checks.
  • Deposits can be made ?? in all branches of BNI reserves scattered throughout the archipelago.
  • Cash withdrawals can be made ?? in Rupiah, USD and other foreign currency (while stock available).

  • Fill out the application form and submit copies of identification ID card or valid driver's license.
  • 1 (one) person can only have 1 (one) account, except for parents who open accounts for children who are still minors.
  • Not allowed for a joint account with the status "and / or".
  • Account that there are no transactions for 6 (six) consecutive months (passive) Rp2.000./ months charge.
  • Passive accounts with balance <Rp20.000., Then the account will be closed by the system

  • Individual (professional, employee, homemaker, student / students and other citizens).
  • Small companies (shops, restaurants, garages, PD, UD, etc.), PT Bank Rural "Swadharma" (RB Swadharma).
  • Civil Servants Cooperative (KPN) based on collaboration with Bank BNI Economic Welfare.
  • Other business entities approved by directors of BNI.

Thus concise information on savings deposits BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan, hopefully article about the product of savings deposits BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan you can make a solution to your financial management.

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