Tabungan BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan

The advantages of saving in Bank BNI -  Tabungan BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan. BNI TAPENAS Now you no longer need to worry about the cost of education sons and daughters that you love. Prepare the cost of your child's education as well as the people you love with BNI TAPENAS, savings deposits to fund investment education with premium-free insurance benefits.

  • Certainty of funding for the education of children according to plan,
  • Increasing discipline in saving money.
  • Premium-free insurance benefit.
  • Facility investment by getting a higher interest rate than regular savings

  • Free to determine the period (2 yrs till 18 yrs).
  • Free to determine the monthly payments begin to 100,000 up to Rp 5,000,000 (multiples of 50,000).
  • Smoking adds to funds outside the monthly deposit (additional deposit) with a direct deposit into an account.
  • A customer can open more than one account Tapenas BNI for more than one prospective beneficiaries.
  • Assurance auto insurance with sum assured of up to Rp800 million.
  • Free to determine the 3 (three) additional insurance options (without medical examination) with a bigger insurance benefits and a variety of life insurance and health insurance.
  • Insurance benefits will still be given to the customer although the customer has insurance coverage similar to other insurance institutions

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Minimum age 17 years and a maximum of 55 years or 65 years when due.
  • Has the identity card (KTP / SIM / Passport).
  • Have accounts Taplus, Taplus Business, or Personal Current Account Euro as an affiliate account.
  • Completed application form TAPENAS

Depositing Funds
  • Deposits can be: cash deposit, transfer or clearing.
  • Deposits made ?? by debiting a designated account (Taplus, Taplus Giro Dollar Business or Personal) is fixed every month, so customers do not need to come every month to deposit


At maturity, the accumulation and development funds will automatically be transferred to the customer the affiliate's account (Taplus, Taplus Business, and Current Personal Rupiah) so that customers do not need to come to the Branch at maturity.

Thus concise information on savings deposits BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan, hopefully article about the product of savings deposits BNI Perencanaan Masa Depan you can make a solution to your financial management.

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