Tabungan BNI Pelajar

The advantages of saving in Bank BNI - Tabungan BNI Pelajar. BNI Saves Students ( simple ) is a savings for students of early childhood , kindergarten , elementary, junior high, high school , Madrasah ( MI , MTs , MA ) or equivalent issued nationally by banks in Indonesia , with easy and simple requirements and features of interest , in the framework of education and financial inclusion to promote the culture of saving early.


  • Provide financial education on savings products.
  • Encouraging cultural fond of saving.
  • Coaching financial management early on.


  • Students may have the savings on its own behalf.
  • The initial deposit of light only 5,000, - and deposit a minimum of advanced 1.000 , -
  • No charge account administration.
  • Junior high school students up to high school or equivalent instantly get BNI Debit Card facility is simple to use students for transactions in BNI ATM, Link ATM network , Together , and Prima and shopping transactions in shops using EDC BNI.
  • Getting BNI SMS Banking facility.
  • Opportunity to participate in a rewards program implemented BNI.


  • Minimum Initial Deposit   Rp . 5000 , - 
  • Furthermore Minimum Cash Deposit   Rp . 1000 , -
  • Minimum Deposit Account   Rp . 5000 , -
  • Cash Withdrawal Limits Frequency at School   A maximum of two (2 ) times per month.
  • Maximum Number of Cash Withdrawal Limit in School   250,000 , -
  • Frequency Limit Withdrawal ( Cash , Transfer , Transfer ) through Teller.
  • Unlimited   Limit Maximum Number of Withdrawal ( Cash , Transfer , Transfer ) through Teller Unlimited
  • Interest rates 0 %
  • Account Management Administration Costs /Month Rp . 0 , - 
  • Card Fees
  • Administration of cards per Month Rp. 1000,-
  • New Cards Issuance Rp. 0,-
  • Card Replacement Damaged / Missing   Rp . 10.000,-
  • Replacement cards for Expiry Date Maturity Term Rp . 0
  • Penalties Accounts Dorman per Month   Rp . 1000, -
  • Cover Account closure on Demand Customer / Initiation Bank for Balance Has Reached ≤ 5,000, -   Rp . 5000 , -
  • Replacement Passbook   Rp . 0 , -

The account will become dormant if no transaction debits and credits, in addition to transaction administration fees , minimum balance fines , taxes, interest , and auto-debit transactions , for 12 consecutive months .


  • Schools must have cooperation with the issuance of savings BNI BNI Simpel.
  • Account opening document was NIS / NISN / NIK / Student 's birth certificate and copy of ID Parent / Guardian.
  • Students fill out a simple BNI Account Opening Form which can be obtained at the school and must be approved / signed Parent / Guardian.
Thus concise information on savings deposits BNI Taplus Pelajar, hopefully article about the product of savings deposits BNI Taplus Pelajar you can make a solution to your financial management.

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